The Role of Directors and the Boards

Equipping and Empowering Individuals for Effective, Inspired Governance

5 Found
Date Duration Venue Fees
19-23 Aug 2024 5 Days Houston - USA US$6,450 Register
18-22 Nov 2024 5 Days Sharm El Sheikh - Egypt US$5,450 Register

Course Overview

In today’s fast-moving business environment, organisations need board members with the expertise to ensure sustainable value creation. This Board training course provides executives and professionals who presently serve on corporate boards or are interested in doing so with the skills needed to be effective stewards of the business, fostering the creation of long-term and sustainable value. Individuals who presently hold a position on a board of directors will learn how to enhance their leadership and decision-making abilities. People who are interested in becoming board members and those whose jobs need them to interact with directors frequently will learn how to work with boards and create boards that provide new value to the organization.

Good corporate governance helps companies improve performance, have clear strategy, increase access to finance, and foster sustained growth. The course concentrates on the distinct corporate governance issues that directors experience and provide frameworks and procedures that can lessen these issues and guarantee the survival of the company. It starts with the basic theories of board leadership and provides concise and practical tools of essential governance that can be implemented. Starting with the principles of corporate governance and expanding to the board’s role in information disclosure and transparency, the concepts of risk management, the role and importance of internal and external audits, and how to establish the proper fiscal control procedures.

Course Objectives

As a result of this training course, you will learn to:

  • Understand the role of the board of directors and how it has changed in today’s business environment
  • Understand the qualifications and duties for directors and their oversight of the company.
  • Acquire the tools and knowledge to design and lead an effective board
  • Discover the best methods to recruit and select the most qualified directors
  • Collaborate effectively as a board director and/or chairperson with other directors, stakeholders and the chief executive.

Target Audience

This program is for people to develop themselves and their ability to be effective board members or prepare for that role. It is a must-attend for people:

  • Currently serving as board members
  • Aspiring to a board role
  • Executives working with boards of directors

Training Methodology

This dynamic and compelling program is offered in a workshop setting, allowing for participants to be introspective and reflective and enriched and nourished. It includes reading content on best practices and board governance theory, engaging discussion to deepen knowledge, small group breakout sessions to intensify learning, training videos to enhance the lectures, and participant role play and conversation mocking to actualize learning.

Course Outline

Day One

The Context for Board Participation

  • Definition, concept, and principles of corporate governance
  • The key dimensions of corporate governance
  • Benefits of good governance from the stakeholder perspective
  • The Effective Board: roles, authorities, duties, and liabilities
  • Board Structure and Committees
  • The Role of the Executive and the Role of the Board
Day Two

The Board and the Executive

  • Role segregation of the Chairman and the CEO
  • Selecting and Assessing the Executive
  • Succession Planning for the Board and for the CEO

Board Member Quality

  • The Design and principles of effective boards
  • How to succeed in the boardroom
  • Attributes of successful directors
  • Recruiting board members: the right mix and number of people
  • Honouring diversity and inclusion on the board
Day Three

The Board Member as Fiduciary: Finance and Risk

  • Understanding value creation and the company’s financial statements
  • Minimizing risk and the threat of litigation
  • Board management to achieve internal control, management of risk, and the integrity of financial information
  • Principles of disclosure and transparency for reporting to shareholders & stakeholders (including regulators)
Day Four

The Board Meeting

  • Preparing for, organising and conducting effective meetings
  • Quorum requirements
  • Working procedures
  • Voting

The Role of the Board in Setting the Company’s Strategy

  • Different types of strategy
  • The Board’s role in strategic management
  • Corporate Strategy: Tasks and Roles
Day Five

Emerging Issues in the Field of Corporate Governance

  • CEO succession plans
  • Shareholder activism
  • Disruptive impact of technology and cyber risk
  • Crisis Management and communication
  • Related party transactions and insider trading
  • Corporate social responsibility


Upon successful completion of this training course, Newage Certificate will be awarded to the delegates.

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