Business and Contract Law

Getting the Grips with Business and Contract Law

5 Found
Date Duration Venue Fees
21-25 Oct 2024 5 Days London - UK US$5,450 Register
23-27 Dec 2024 5 Days Dubai - UAE US$4,450 Register

Course Overview

The contract is an important part of the business environment; it states the expectations of both the parties and help to resolve the negative issues. Contract management deals with managing the contract’s creation, execution and analysis for maximising the financial performance efficiently and effectively. Effective contract management systems improves the performance of the company and reduces financial risk. 

Law and regulations governing business and contract law, and the supply chains businesses interact with, are increasingly complex and affect all industries and every type of commercial agreement. If you are involved in contracting or dealing with external suppliers or customers at any level, you need to understand the practical implications to ensure you do not expose your company to unnecessary risk.

This course combines contract law with practical methods to assist understanding. It analyses different types of contract, ensuring that you fully understand the impact of current legislation and case law for each scenario you might encounter.

Course Objectives

After the training course, you will learn to:

  • What is a contract
  • Understand how contracts are formed
  • Exploit opportunities to extract extra added valued from the contract
  • Know the differences between terms, conditions and warranties
  • How to write in contract performance measurement and improve commercial contract performance
  • Understand the legal ways to deal with non-performance, dispute resolution and termination
  • Apply a range of tools and techniques to support the business in obtaining value for money, quality and fit-for-purpose outcomes from the contracts you enter

Target Audience

The training course is ideal for experienced (and semi-experienced) contract and commercial managers who have direct or indirect responsibility for the effective management and development of commercial contracts and interact with contractors and clients.

This course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Sales Managers
  • Business Development Managers
  • Technical Experts
  • Project Managers
  • Contract Managers
  • Commercial Managers

Training Methodology

This training course is delivered using a blended learning approach and draws on various learning techniques such as action learning, experiential exercises, group discussions and self-reflection.

This helps delegates stay engaged throughout the course, feel challenged and draw quick wins for their development. It also ensures delegates are ready to apply what they learn when they’re back in the workplace.

Course Outline

Day One

Contract Basics

  • What is a Contract?
  • Elements of Contracts
  • Entering into a Valid Contract
  • Tendering and Bid Processes
  • Heads of Agreements and Letters of Intent
  • Drafting Guidelines and Considerations
  • Governing Law and Jurisdiction
  • Case Study: Carlill vs Carbolic Smoke Ball Company (1892)
Day Two

Terms, Conditions and Warranties

  • Implied Contracts
  • Express Contracts
  • Specifications
  • Input Specification
  • Types of Specification
  • Warranties and Conditions
  • Indemnities
  • Incorporating Terms in a Contract
Day Three

Limiting and Excluding Liability

  • Consequential and Direct Loss
  • Impact of Unfair Contract Terms Law
  • Exclusion and Liability Clauses
  • Exclusion and Liability Clauses Best Practices
  • Force Majeure
  • Liquidated Damages
Day Four

Managing the Contract

  • Payment mechanisms
  • Contract
  • Service levels
  • Audit rights
  • Dealing with change
  • Contract programme and governance
  • Change management
Day Five

Terminating Contracts and Future Proofing

  • Resolving Disputes Successfully by Negotiation and Mediation
  • Pros and Cons of Arbitration
  • Pros and Cons of Litigation
  • Reviewing existing contracts – tips
  • Future-proofing contracts
  • Close Out and Action Planning


Upon successful completion of this training course, Newage Certificate will be awarded to the delegates.

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