Essential Core Skills of a 21st Century Leader

Grow the Knowledge, Skills, Mindset and Qualities for Effective and Impactful Leadership

5 Found
Date Duration Venue Fees
02-06 Sep 2024 5 Days London - UK US$5,450 Register
09-13 Dec 2024 5 Days Dubai - UAE US$4,450 Register

Course Overview

Effective modern leadership impacts on people, companies, culture, and the results achieved by teams, departments and organisations. Effective leadership is visionary, inspirational, developmental, and supportive while ineffective leadership can reduce results, decrease motivation and commitment, and lead to potentially catastrophic failure. So, what can be done to ensure leadership effectiveness? To be effective as a leader, we need to be both people-friendly and focused on task completion, results, and performance. This is not something that is easy to do and does not come easily or naturally to many; however, it is something we can grow, develop, and learn.

Leadership effectiveness requires a range of competences (leaders need the right knowledge, the right skills, and the right mindset to reach those they lead) and the development and growth of leadership qualities and the ability to engage with others on various levels as well as flexibility and the capacity to adapt one’s leadership style as circumstances demand. This intensive and practical course will develop participants’ understanding of leadership, teams and organizations and their skills in mentoring, coaching and other key leadership areas.

Course Objectives

After the training course, you will learn to:

  • Lead in various contexts, grow your leadership qualities and adapt your leadership style to differing contexts including when leading under VUCA conditions.
  • Build and lead highly performing teams and to lead across differences and distances.
  • Utilise mentoring and coaching to support and develop team members.
  • Drive performance as a leader.
  • Assess and evaluate your own leadership and set personal development plans for your growth as a leader.

Target Audience

This course is suitable to a wide range of working professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Anyone at any level who needs to lead others.
  • Anyone who is in a leadership role and has leadership competences but needs to give these focus and direction.
  • Anyone who is likely to move into a leadership position in the future.
  • Anyone who wishes to develop their understanding of leadership and teams.
  • Any leader who is required to support, direct and develop others.

Training Methodology

Upon attending on the course, the following methodologies and approached will be used:

  • Warmers, icebreakers and group dynamic tasks
  • Trainer input and elicitation
  • Brainstorming and controlled discussion tasks
  • Worksheet-style tasks (gap fills, matching and so on)
  • Roleplays and simulations
  • Models, examples, illustrations and anecdotes
  • Profilers and questionnaires
  • Case studies
  • Video and audio tasks
  • Design tasks and presentations
  • Games and gamified tasks
  • Coaching and mentoring practices
  • Trainer and peer feedback
  • Reflection and personal action planning

Course Outline

Day One

Understanding Leadership

  • Introductions, group dynamics and course objectives
  • Leadership, management and the need for both
  • Tracing the development of leadership thinking and leadership theories
  • Modern situational leadership and leadership styles
  • Leadership ethics and authenticity
  • Toxic leadership and avoiding it
  • Leading in the modern world and under VUCA conditions
Day Two

Leading Teams, Leading Across Distances and Leading Across Differences

  • Teams, teamwork and team effectiveness
  • Team formation, team dysfunctions and team roles
  • Delegation and motivation
  • Working in virtual teams, communicating virtually and leading virtually
  • Working with diversity, cultural and personality variables, and using diversity for performance
  • Team building as a leader
  • Handling conflicts and mediating as a leader
Day Three

Developing, Coaching and Mentoring Others

  • Forms of development available to leaders
  • Coaching vs. mentoring
  • Problem-focused coaching
  • Solutions-focused coaching
  • Mentoring and giving advice and support
  • Training as a leader
  • Assessing the value and impact of development
Day Four

Leaders and Organisations

  • What is an organisation?
  • Organisational structure, design, behaviour and development
  • Overcoming silo mentality in organisations
  • Setting direction as a leader and communicating vision, mission and more
  • Using CSFs, KRAs and OKRs
  • Setting, using and tracking KPIs to best effect
  • Effective leadership decision making
Day Five

Evaluating and Developing as a Leader

  • Evaluating leadership and gaining feedback on your leadership
  • Running 360-degree assessments and other forms of employee survey
  • Personal branding as a leader
  • Planning your own personal and professional development as a busy modern leader
  • Presentations on application of the training at work
  • End-of-course quiz
  • Golden rules and personal action planning


Upon successful completion of this training course, Newage Certificate will be awarded to the delegates.

Options & Brochure