Finance for Non-Finance Professionals

5 Found
Date Duration Venue Fees
05-09 Aug 2024 5 Days London - UK US$5,450 Register
02-06 Dec 2024 5 Days Dubai - UAE US$4,450 Register

Course Overview

Financial decision making is crucial to the success of any company. This course provides participants from a non-financial background with the necessary skills and understanding to navigate the corporate financial landscape leading to enhanced communication and financial decision making. We start with an introduction to a company’s financial statements which is key to understanding their financial performance and financial position. Participants will learn how to interpret and analyse financial statements and the type of information which is important to other users of accounts including banks and investors. Capital budgeting (investment) decisions are the ultimate driver of a business’s future profitability. Fundamental finance concepts and techniques are explained so participants can appreciate the relevance of capital structure to financial risk and cost of capital to investment decision making.

The course is practical and hands on using case studies, quizzes and practical examples to bring learning to life. A unique aspect of the course is that it incorporates a time value of money calculator (app) which allows delegates to become adept at financial calculations with ease and how to apply these skills to real life scenarios.

Course Objectives

  • Gain a holistic corporate financial understanding and perspective.
  • Understand the main financial statements and how they are interlinked.
  • How to extract useful financial information and analyze financial statements to aid financial decisions.
  • Appreciate the benefits and limitations of financial statements to different users.
  • Understand fundamental finance concepts and be able to apply corporate finance quantitative methods.
  • Know the key elements of a company’s capital structure and its impact on financial risk.
  • How to calculate weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and its role in capital budgeting decision making.
  • Understand the capital budgeting process and become familiar with the different methods for appraising and evaluating investment options.
  • Provide managers from a non-financial background with the essential tools and knowledge to make informed and objective financial decisions.

Target Audience

This course is suitable to a wide range of working professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Managers from non-financial background
  • Accounting trainees
  • Finance professionals of all levels
  • Professionals from all areas
  • Students & university graduates

Training Methodology

  • Content rich power point slides.
  • Test Your Knowledge Quizzes.
  • Case studies and practical exercises.
  • How to use the 10bii Financial Calculator App to make financial calculations easy.

Course Outline

Day One

Introduction to Financial Statements

  • Basic Principles
  • Contents of the Financial Statements
  • Accounting Standards
  • Group Accounts and Company Accounts

Financial Statements (1) - Statement of Financial Position/Balance Sheet

  • Purpose of SFP
  • Non-Current Assets (Fixed Assets).
  • Current Assets
  • Current Liabilities
  • Non-Current Liabilities (LongTerm Liabilities)
  • Capital And Reserves

Financial Statements (2) - Statement of Comprehensive Income/Profit & Loss

  • Purpose SCI
  • Contents of the Income Statement
  • Statement of Comprehensive Income: Other Items
  • Statement of Cash Flows
  • Purpose SCF

Financial Statements (3) - Statement of Cash Flows

  • Cash and Profit Compared
  • Cash Flows from Operating Activities
  • Cash Flows from Investing Activities
  • Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Free Cash Flow

  • Concept of FCF
  • Enterprise Cash Flow
  • Cash Flow Available for Debt Servicing (CFADS)
  • Equity Cash Flow
Day Two

Financial Statements Analysis & Interpretation

  • Why Analyse Financial Statements?
  • Profitability Ratios
    • Gross Profit Margin
    • Operating Profit Margin
    • Return On Capital Employed (6OCE)
    • Return On Equity (ROE)
  • Liquidity Ratios
    • Current Ratio
    • Quick Ratio/Acid Test
  • Gearing Ratios
    • Debt/Equity Ratio
    • Net Debt/Equity Ratio
    • Interest Cover
    • Net Debt to EBITDA
  • Investor Ratios
    • Earnings Per Share
    • Diluted Earnings Per Share
    • Price Earnings Ratio
    • Dividend Yield
    • Dividend Cover
    • Enterprise Value/EBIT
    • Enterprise Value/EBITDA
    • Price-To-Book Ratio
Day Three

Quantitative Methods for Corporate Finance

Financial Mathematics

  • How to measure the risk and return of investments
  • How to calculate the expected and average return on investments
  • How to calculate the degree of variability of investments using the variance and standard deviation of return

Discounted cash flows

  • How to calculate the present value (PV) and net present value (NPV) of future multiple cash flows
  • How to calculate the internal rate of return (IRR) for a series of multiple cash flows
Day Four

Capital Structure & Cost of Capital

  • Components of capital structure
  • Equity Capital
  • Debt Capital

Cost of Capital

  • Understand the meaning of the weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
  • Calculate the WACC
Day Five

Capital Budgeting/Investment Appraisal

  • What is capital budgeting?
  • Understanding capital budgeting
  • How to take capital budgeting decisions?
  • Methods of investment appraisal:
    • Payback period
    • Bailout payback
    • Discounted payback period
    • Net present value.
    • Internal rate of return
    • Profitability index
  • Best Practices in capital budgeting


Upon successful completion of this training course, Newage Certificate will be awarded to the delegates.

Options & Brochure