Corrosion & Corrosion Control in Oil & Gas Industry

Theory of Corrosion: Types and Control

5 Found
Date Duration Venue Fees
21-25 Oct 2024 5 Days Dubai - UAE US$4,450 Register
16-20 Dec 2024 5 Days Salalah - Oman US$4,450 Register

Course Overview

This 5-day interactive Corrosion & Corrosion Control in Oil & Gas Industry training course provides a deep knowledge of corrosion. It focuses on examining and identifying metallurgical problems that occur in process units and methods of monitoring and damage mechanisms. Corrosion occurs in various forms, such as pitting corrosion from water droplets, embrittlement from hydrogen, and stress corrosion cracking from sulphide attack. A complex system of monitoring, preventative repairs, and careful use of materials fights corrosion.

The equipment costs are a considerable part of the investment in the petrochemical and water industry, and for long-distance, large-diameter pipelines, they can become prohibitively high if the corrosivity of the fluid necessitates corrosion-resistant alloys instead of carbon steel. Better understanding and control of the corrosion of carbon steel can increase its application range and therefore have a significant economic impact.

The potential consequences of corrosion represent safety and economic concerns to various industry sectors. Mitigating corrosion is critical as the initiation corrosion cells can negatively affect the pipeline’s integrity in service. Additionally, the build-up of corrosion and bacterial by-products on the pipe walls can cause problems at later stages of a pipeline’s operation life, including under-deposit corrosion and contamination of fluids passing through the pipe. Corrosion Monitoring is essential to evaluate the service life of pipelines and to detect when would be the nearest turnaround/shutdown.

Course Objectives

After the training course, the participants will learn to:

  • Understand the materials of construction used in the O&G and water fields
  • Know the Corrosion theories and mechanisms
  • Learn the typical types of corrosion related to O&G and water fields
  • Know the corrosion monitoring and inspection methods
  • Understand the practical methods of controlling corrosion

Target Audience

This training course targets engineers and technicians dealing with corrosion, corrosion monitoring & in-service inspection and corrosion control in the oil & gas industry.

It will be valuable to the professionals, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Corrosion Engineer
  • Operation Engineer
  • Asset integrity Engineer
  • Inspectors and Inspection Supervisors
  • Static Equipment Engineers
  • Maintenance Engineers and Planners
  • Design Engineer
  • Operators

Training Methodology

This training course will utilise various proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes comprehensive and electronic course notes, copies of all presentation material, and relevant computer simulations and videos to help understand the various topics.

Course Outline

Day One

Construction Material Grades and Principles of Corrosion Engineering

  • Metallurgy and Engineering Material Properties
  • Materials Testing – Destructive Testing
  • Economic Impacts of Corrosion
  • Theory of Corrosion
  • Corrosion Rates and Ways of Measurements
Day Two

Types of Corrosion I

  • Galvanic Corrosion
  • Sulfidation
  • Soil Corrosion
  • Crevice Corrosion
  • Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC)
Day Three

Types of Corrosion II

  • Stress Corrosion Cracking
  • Cl Stress Corrosion Cracking
  • Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
  • Caustic Corrosion
  • Flow Assisted Corrosion (Erosion Corrosion)
  • Intergranular Corrosion
Day Four

Corrosion Control in Oil & Gas Fields

  • Protection by Changing Design
  • Active Cathodic Protection: Sacrificial Anode
  • Cathodic Protection (Impressed Current)
  • Painting and Metallic Coating
  • Metallic Coating: Galvanizing & Thermal Spray TSA
  • Corrosion Inhibitors
Day Five

Corrosion Monitoring in Oil & Gas Fields

  • Thickness Measurements using Ultrasound (UTT) and Profile Radiography (RT)
  • Corrosion Coupons
  • Electrical Probes (ER)
  • Intelligent Pigs
  • Corrosion Inspection according to API 570 Code


Upon successful completion of this training course, Newage Certificate will be awarded to the delegates.

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